
The CSTN will share resources, research and toolkits to align strategies, best practices and develop a community of practice that supports the transformation of shelters across Canada to become housing focused.

(Check back here as we will update this page regularly.)

CSTN Shelter Transformation Manual & Self-Assessment
CSTN Webinars

See past and upcoming webinars from CSTN offering further guidance on how to transform to a housing-focused shelter system.

Webinars from 2019 to present can be found on the CSTN Webinar page.

OrgCode Emergency Shelter Resources and Blogs
Rapid Resolution 
  • Self-Directed and Staff Engaged Rapid ResolutionPart 1Part 2 (Webinar – 90 min) – Rapid Resolution is a housing intervention designed to immediately resolve a household’s homelessness once they enter shelter. This session reviews how service providers can engage shelter residents in deliberate, thoughtful and individualized conversations that seek to solve their immediate housing crisis.
  • Region of Waterloo Renter’s Toolkit – If you are working with someone experiencing homelessness to find a place to rent, this guide can help you search for and secure housing.
  • Housing Action Plan – It is a collaborative tool for shelter staff and guests to navigate the housing search process together. It provides clear steps, realistic goals, and essential resources to support a successful transition
    from shelter to stable housing.
  • Housing Search Log – It is a tracking tool for shelter staff and guests to document progress in securing rental housing. It helps organize apartment listings, track inquiries, applications, and follow-ups, ensuring a structured and efficient search process. 
  • Housing Preference List – This tool helps shelter staff and guests identify and prioritize housing needs and preferences. It can help staff and guests outline key factors like location, affordability, and amenities. 
  • Common Housing Start-Up Items – This form helps shelter staff and guests identify essential items needed for a successful move into a new home. By outlining key household necessities, this tool ensures a smooth transition, promotes preparedness, and helps coordinate resources to create a stable and comfortable living environment.
National Alliance to End Homelessness Emergency Shelter Learning Series
Webinars & Tools
Overview & Self-Assessments and Action Plans
Low Barrier Shelters
Role of Emergency Shelter in Diversion
Safety Serving Families and Victims of Domestic Violence
Using Data
Equal Access
Pet Friendly
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness – Shelter Resources
Diversion Information, Tools and Community Examples
  • See Diversion information and resources on the Built for Zero Canada website
National Health Care for the Homeless Council – Health in Shelters
Domestic and Sexual Violence – Emergency Shelter Considerations
Pets and Shelters – Pets and Ending Homelessness
Emergency Shelter Frameworks and Standards Examples
Emergency Shelter Bright Spots, Books and Other Resources
Ending Homelessness for People in Encampments
Considerations and Tools to Respond Effectively
Community Examples of Housing Focused Responses
Winter Sheltering and Extreme Weather Response Plans
us hud resources for winter sheltering and cold weather response (Generally and during covid)

Sample canadian extreme weather response plans from communities


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The CSTN is a network of homeless leaders and organizations committed to becoming housing focused and taking on community leadership roles in ending homelessness once and for all.

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